My Cloudy Days, Part 1

A dark cloud covers me.
The sun may be shining,

But all I see is rain.

I pray for relief.

I beg for freedom.
I know He hears me,

But the answer never comes.

The cloud continues to darken my soul.

My joy has left me.

I feel only sadness.
I feel only darkness.
Sometimes, I feel nothing.
My life is passing quickly,
And I am missing out.

I call out for it to stop.

I pray for slower days.
But it continues to fly by,

Quicker each day.

I do my duties.
I continue each day.
I put on a mask,
And cover my pain.
Everything has become monotonous!
God doesn't answer,

So I stop asking.

I know it's me.
I know I should try harder...

But why?
Life seems pointless.


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