
I hid myself
Built a wall around my heart
I ran, thinking my problems would just go away.
I let the gate slam shut,
Pulled up the drawbridge,
Determined to keep You out.
I needed to escape,
That was my excuse
Time to myself
Time to be free
But instead I bound myself up in larger chains
Confined myself to the darkest dungeon.

But You never left
You were always there
Watching and waiting
Arms open wide
You knew I would return.

I grew weary of my race
Tired of seeking escape
My chains became heavier
As did my heart.

Everywhere I turned,
I saw You.
In the strangest places-
A book, a poem
A movie, a song
You presented Yourself to me.

And each time
My wall began to crack
The locks on my chains began to rust
I felt my heart beat in response to Your love.
Then I realized my mistake
You are my escape
In You I can be free
No more running,
Except straight into Your arms.


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